[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”2643″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]CAROLYN HEINRICH, PHD (CHICAGO)
(Strategic Performance Management, Public Management and Measurement and Evaluation Methods)

Carolyn J. Heinrich (Ph.D., University of Chicago) is a Professor of Public Policy and Education in the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations at the Peabody College and a Professor of Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences. Heinrich’s research focuses on policy, public management, performance management, education, program evaluation, workforce development and social welfare. Prior to joining the Peabody College and the College of Arts and Sciences at Vanderbilt University, she served as Research Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin. Prior to her appointment as Sid Richardson Professor of Public Affairs and affiliated Professor of Economics and the Director of the Center for Health and Social Policy (CHASP) on July 1, 2011, she was the Director of the La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Heinrich’s research focuses on education, social welfare policy, labor force development, public management and econometric methods for program evaluation. She works directly in her research with governments at all levels, including with the federal government on evaluations of workforce development programs, with states on their social welfare and child support programs, and school districts in the evaluation of educational interventions.

Prof. Heinrich has been in collaboration with the Caribbean’s leading private sector learning/consulting firm, GovStrat Limited in training senior public servants in performance management and nongovernmental organizations such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, UNICEF and others, in research to improve program and policy design and the impacts and effectiveness of economic and social investments in middle-income and developing countries. She is the past president and a founding board member of the Public Management Research Association and served as the editor of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory from January 2005 through December 2008. She also served on the Policy Council of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management from 2004-2007 and as its chair of the Board of Institutional Representatives through spring 2011. In 2004, Heinrich received the David N. Kershaw Award for distinguished contributions to the field of public policy analysis and management by a person under age 40, and in 2010, she and was elected to the National Academy of Public Administration. She has published more than 70 peer-reviewed books and journal articles.
