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Title of Publication | Media appearance and page (s) | Date |
“Corporate Governance: Selection of Directors” | Sunday Gleaner, pg. 5C
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20010709/business/business2.html |
08/07/2001 |
“Separating the Job of Chairman and Chief Executive Director” | Sunday Gleaner, pg. 4C and 5c | 15/07/2001 |
“Jamaica’s Competitiveness and Globalisation” | Financial Gleaner, pg. 4 and 21
https://www.valuehorizon.com/news/articles/365873/jamaicas-competitiveness-globalisation/ |
18/10/2002 |
“Global Governance and the Need for Local Reform” | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 4 and 29 | 25/10/2002 |
“IMF Gives Jamaica Failing Grade”. |
Featured article – The Sunday Gleaner, pgs. G2 and G3
http://www.jamaicaelections.com/general/2002/articles/20020922-2.html |
22/09/2002 |
“Banking and Investment Challenges: Time to Re-invent Strategy”. | Featured article –The Sunday Gleaner, p. G6. | 08/09/2002 |
“The Changing Nature of the Jamaican Corporate Boardroom” | Financial Gleaner, pg. 5 | 01/11/2002 |
“Strategic Governance and the Newly-listed Company” | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 5 and 28 | 22/11/2002 |
“Greater Boardroom Independence and Accountability” | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 4 and 29 | 29/11/2002 |
“Towards a Framework Inclusive of Governance” | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 6 and 27 | 06/12/2002 |
“Shareholders Rights Threatened by Boardroom Cowboys” | Financial Gleaner, pg. 12
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030103/business/business3.html |
03/01/2003 |
“Beyond The Meltdown: Why Corporate Governance Now” | Financial Gleaner,
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030117/business/business3.html |
17/01/2003 |
“The Contest for Corporate Control of Kingston Wharves” | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 5 and 2
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030207/business/business11.html |
07/02/2003 |
“Does Good Corporate Governance Impact Company Bottom-line?” | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 4 and 29
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030307/business/business2.html |
07/03/2003 |
“Who Monitors The Board?” | Financial Gleaner, pgs.5 and 28
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030328/business/business2.html |
28/03/2003 |
“Corporate Disclosure Critical to Good Governance” | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 5 and 20
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030404/business/business7.html |
04/04/2003 |
“The Risks of Corporate Board Directorship” | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 5 and 16
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030808/business/business3.html |
08/08/2003 |
“Governance, Much Discussed, Little Understood” | Financial Gleaner, pg. 5 | 12/12/2003 |
“Corporate Leaders Need Training Too: Governance and the Modern Corporation” | The New Executive Times | 08/082004 |
“The Company Secretary: Vanguard of Good Corporate Governance” | The New Executive Times, pgs. 66-67 | 24/10/2004 |
“Directors and Executives’ Remuneration” (Part 1)Governance Forum with Vindel Kerr | Financial Gleaner, pg. 5 | 18/02/2005 |
“Directors and Executives’ Remuneration” (Part 2)Governance Forum with Vindel Kerr | Financial Gleaner, pg. 29
http://newspaperarchive.com/jm/kingston/kingston/kingston-gleaner/2005/02-25/page-135 |
25/02/2005 |
“Corporate Governance Under Siege (Part 1)”. The Governance Forum with Vindel Kerr | Financial Gleaner, pg. 8 | 04/03/2005 |
“Corporate Governance Under Siege (Part 2)”. The Governance Forum with Vindel Kerr | Financial Gleaner, pgs. 17 & 18 | 18/03/2005 |
“Making Corporate Governance Work Better” Suggestions for the Prime Minister | The Sunday Business Gleaner, Section C7
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20050718/business/business2.html |
17/07/2005 |
“Why Companies Should Employ Risk Management” | The Sunday Gleaner, C9 www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20060129/…/business5.html | 29/01/2006 |
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