Dr. Kerr featured in Manchester Business School PGR Newsletter
Manchester Business School Alumni profile in PGR Newsletter Dr Vindel Kerr graduated last year with Doctor of Business Administration degree. He is currently based in Jamaica, leading a management consulting and executive learning and development firm, GovStrat Limited. VISIT LINK
GovStrat Seminar Targets Power of Branding
Over 40 companies participated in a two-day workshop focusing on ‘Managing Corporate Reputation, Image and Identity: Unleashing the Power of Branding’ held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel. The workshop, hosted by corporate training and management consulting firm, GovStrat Limited, was aimed at educating and developing directors, senior executives, middle managers and team leaders from companies […]
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Our trainers, facilitators and consultants are superior to those found elsewhere…and are all globally recognized. Call or write to us today.
Upcoming One Day Workshop: Corporate Governance and Accountability – Trinidad
Effective Corporate Governance Workshop for state-owned enterprises, financial and regulatory institutions and publicly listed companies. Thursday July 1, 2010, Crowne Plaza Hotel, POS, Trinidad & Tobago Time: 8:30-5:00 pm REGISTER NOW FOR THIS COURSE | DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION PACK! This one-day workshop highlights critical issues of corporate governance relevant to State-owned Enterprises, Financial Sector Institutions […]